Best Platforms to Learn Web3 Development

Best Platforms to Learn Web3 Development

There are many free platforms to be a developer in the Web3, but which one should you choose?


10 min read

If you are reading this article, Web3 and blockchain are probably not a foreign term for you, you are interested in and want to be a developer in this industry. PS: You are on the right track!

I have done some researches about learning platforms on Web3 for a long time, read articles, summarized the platforms that I found. Since June 2022, I have been actively developing myself by using these platforms. All I learned from these platforms is helped me to get a job in Web3.

There is not only one way to learn, everyone's path and preference may be different. However, I think it will be important for you to be informed about the platforms to build your own path. Before I start, I want to give a short warning.

We all have different levels of knowledge

As the each learning platform are not designed directly according to our level of knowledge, everything seems complicated at first. As a result, either the learning process is prolonged or we lose interest and give up.

“Let's learn by developing decentralized application!” While this one is appropriate for someone who knows what blockchain is, has already their self-custody wallet, actively uses decentralized applications; it is deeply confusing for someone who is completely unfamiliar with these terms.

For example, you may not know the following terms, it's totally okay. But, some platforms (or tutorials) assume that you are already know about them. Don't let that get you down. It is possible to learn all of them in a short time, respectively.

That's why I think it would be beneficial to know the platforms before starting.


The platforms that are mentioned in this article are shown below. I have tried to summarize features of platforms, but it totally depends on personal interpretation. Read the details to learn more about platforms.

I'm sure there are many good platforms that I haven't mentioned in this article, if there are platforms you use and like, I would appreciate it if you let me know.



Scrimba is not on the comparison chart, because of that they don't have Web3-related courses. But, they have very informative interactive courses for web development. If you know nothing about programming, I highly recommend to take these listed courses.

Their interactive course structure is incomparable compared to other learning platforms. Just follow instructions, they know what to do to teach you.


LearnWeb3 is a platform founded by two young entrepreneurs that offers educational content to those who want to become developers in the Web3. This is the platform I use myself and recommend people to start with.

When you complete the lessons on this platform, you will

  • gain knowledge on fundamental issues in the blockchain,
  • learn what to use for software development environment,
  • have developed many simple decentralized applications,
  • learn what you should pay attention to with examples of hacking experienced in the security.

Pros & Cons

  • (+) Class system. Everything from the most basic to the most complex subject has a step-by-step lesson, you don't get lost wondering "what should I study now".
  • (+) Ideal for beginners. You can learn about basic topics such as introduction to programming, what is Blockchain, what does Web3 mean, and how to set up a crypto wallet.
  • (+) Course passing system. There is a quiz for theoretical subjects and a pass system with proof of work for practical subjects. If there is a subject you learned wrong, it becomes easier to learn the right one.
  • (+) Strong ecosystem. There are many people who help you when you have any problems on Discord servers.
  • (+) PoK (Proof of Knowledge). When you complete the classes, you are given an NFT about it. These NFTs may benefit you in the future.
  • (+) Suggestions for deep research. They recommend resources for those who want to get more detailed information about the subjects.
  • (-) The coding parts are passed quickly. You are expected to review the codes used while developing dApps. This is not a cons, actually, but if you copy-paste, you'll have a hard time developing a dApp yourself from scratch. Try to understand, if not, ask on Discord.

Class system of LearnWeb3

Alchemy University

Alchemy is a company that provides a variety of developer tools in the Web3. They already have a educational program called Road To Web3, which consists of 10 chapters, but very soon, Alchemy University which includes Javascript Fundamentals, Ethereum Developer Bootcamp, and Road to Web3 programs will be launched.

They provide curriculum and brief information for each program. It will be absolutely from zero to hero kind of a platform since it begins with JS fundamentals and ends with advanced dApps. I suggest you apply for early access from their website.

Note: Since the only accessible program is Road to Web3 for now, my observations may be limited.


When you complete the lessons on this platform, you will

  • learn about fundamentals of Javascript, blockchain technology, smart contracts, cryptography, Solidity.
  • learn all the details of developing a full-stack decentralized application,
  • develop projects such as NFT marketplace, decentralized Twitter, betting game, staking application,
  • have cool portfolio with the projects.

Pros & Cons

  • (+) Educational projects. It is very enjoyable to learn different concepts while learning a lot about software. Also, having a good portfolio will put you one step ahead.
  • (+) Step-by-step process. Both lessons and what is taught in the lessons are very well instructed. You won't get lost.
  • (+) Project diversity. There are not only simple projects, but also more advanced projects. Making such a project like Decentralized Twitter will be outstanding.
  • (+) Strong ecosystem. There are many people who help you when you have any problems on Discord servers.


Buildspace is a platform that aims to teach by doing. If you already know fundamentals Javascript and Solidity languages, or if you say "I learn by doing", there are many beautiful projects in Buildspace.

When you complete the lessons on this platform, you will

  • learn all the details of developing a full-stack decentralized application,
  • will develop projects such as DAO project, NFT collection, NFT based games,
  • have cool portfolio with the projects.

Pros & Cons

  • (+) Educational projects. It is very enjoyable to learn different concepts while learning a lot about developing dApps. Also, having a good portfolio, an outstanding GitHub account will put you one step ahead.
  • (+) Step-by-step process. The things to do are well instructed, a real effort was made to avoid confusion.
  • (+) Project diversity. There are not only simple projects, but also more advanced projects.
  • (+) Strong ecosystem. There are many people who help you when you have any problems on Discord servers. They have separate channels for each project as well.
  • (+) PoK (Proof of Knowledge). When you complete the projects, you are given an NFT about it. These NFTs may benefit you in the future. The only downside is that the NFT issuance process is manual and can take time.
  • (-) No specific path. If you don't know anything about blockchain and Web3, you might be confused. That's why I suggest you learn the basics first and then use buildspace to develop with the project.

Buildspace is a very high quality platform that offers educational content about web development. They have a well-designed learning path for the users.

They have important collaborations and organize Web3-related programs and offer educational content to users in this area. They are currently accepting applications for a program with the Solana Foundation. Also, there is one very comprehensive course on Smart Contract Development with Solidity.

Pros & Cons

  • (+) Mentoring. When you are selected for Patika's programs, there are mentors who are interested in you both in technical and other matters. It's important to have people you can ask when you have a problem, when you get an error.
  • (+) Community. There is usually a nice friendly atmosphere on Discord, there are optional events such as weekly meetings and networking events.
  • (+) Project. Within the scope of programs, you are expected (generally) to develop one final project. This takes you one step beyond making a project just by following the tutorial. In this process, you are making your own project from scratch.
  • (+) Certificate. At the end of the program, you receive an approved certificate. Even though the next generation PoK concept is not yet on Patika, a certificate is nice to add to your CV as well.
  • (+) Career orientation. Effective interview techniques, how the CV should be, etc. Educational content is also offered.
  • (-) Program commitment. For the content I mentioned, there should be an active program to attend. Although they have almost always a program on going, it is a con for Patika.


Patrick Collins - FreeCodeCamp

Patrick Collins is a developer advocate at Chainlink, producing the highest quality content in Web3. He released a huge 32-hour Youtube video in the past months. If you look at the course content, you can see that it explains everything from the simplest to the most advanced.

It may be difficult to follow from the video, but it is definitely a content that should be followed. It is very likely that you will find details that are not mentioned on other platforms here.



  • (+) Information quality. This is huge pro. Every topic is well explained. It can offer information that will surprise even those who say, "I already know about this subject." This course definitely includes some information that you don't find anywhere else easily.

  • (+) Advanced topics. Not only simple projects, but also advanced concepts are learned. Although this sometimes leads to loss of interest, it actually provides important competencies. Anyone who finishes this video series properly will have completed and learned most important topics.

  • (+) Hints. Since it is a video, it is possible to catch tips from an experienced software developer. He also sometimes shares good tips. How to ask the right question? You can find the information in this video.
  • (+) Surprise PoK NFTs. At the end of some lessons (5 in total), it directs you to a smart contract with a QR code. If you can solve the puzzle in that contract, you can mint the relevant NFT. So you make your own PoK (Proof of Knowledge) NFT yourself. :)
  • (-) Community. Although people can ask their problems on Github, sometimes you may not get quick answers to your questions.


SpeedRunEthereum is a platform that offers various challenges and tutorials on dApp development on the Ethereum network.

I wouldn't recommend starting with this platform first, because if you haven't learned the basics yet, you may be confused. But then I definitely recommend you to take a look at the challenges here.



CryptoZombies is a platform that aims to teach you smart contract development in an interactive way by making simple games.

This is how I learned the basics of Solidity. In fact, there are more comprehensive courses, but I haven't had the opportunity to review them yet.

It is a great platform that consists of four separate sections: Solidity Path, Chainlink Path, Advanced Solidity Path, Beyond Ethereum Path. CryptoZombies

Pros & Cons

  • (+) Interactivity. Learning interactively is both fun and more instructive. How should I think while writing code? It will help you find the answer to your question.
  • (+) Class system. It is positive that there is a system that shows you what to do step by step.
  • (+) PoK (Proof of Knowledge). At the end of the courses, you are given special NFTs.
  • (+) Community. There is a Telegram groups, you can use it for your questions.
  • (+) Future plans. They are planning a structure where they make the existing platform more interactive and create their own mainnet and tokens. Being early users can be important if you believe they will be successful.


As much as I could, I tried to tell you about the platforms that I have used on the way to becoming a Web3 developer. I hope this content is useful to you. If you like it, please share. If you have any suggestions, please comment here or reach me out on Twitter.

You can follow me on Twitter.

Good luck to you all on this journey!